Personal Loan Interest Rates - Yoindi

Personal Loan Interest Rates - Best Interest Rates in 2023

Personal loans have grown in popularity to meet financial demands, whether for unforeseen bills, debt reduction, or home upgrades. It might be difficult to select the best loan with the best interest rates from different personal loan providers in the market. To make things easier for you, we've created a list of the top personal loan interest rates in 2023. Our goal is to offer you useful information and make it simpler for you to make educated decisions so that you may save money and meet your financial objectives.

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Current personal loan rates

Below are the current personal loan rates of banks and NBFCs in India

Interest Rate Range
13.7% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Loans above Rs. 7.5 lakhs
Interest Rate Range
8.50% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 10 lakh
Interest Rate Range
6.6% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Loans above Rs. 7.5 lakhs
Interest Rate Range
9% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Minimum APR
Interest Rate Range
9.60% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
For all loan types and amounts
Interest Rate Range
8.45% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Loans above Rs. 25K
Interest Rate Range
10.5% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Loans above Rs. 7.5 lakhs
Interest Rate Range
10% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
For all loan types and amounts
Interest Rate Range
11.85% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
For all loan types and amounts
Interest Rate Range
9.20% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
As per applicant's profile
Interest Rate Range
10.80% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
As per applicant's profile
Interest Rate Range
10.10% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 25 lakh
Interest Rate Range
9.25% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 10 lakh
Interest Rate Range
9.70% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 10 lakh
Interest Rate Range
1.75% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Loans above Rs. 3 lakhs
Interest Rate Range
8.45% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 20 lakh
Interest Rate Range
8.80% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 30 lakh
Interest Rate Range
2.5% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 2 lakh
Interest Rate Range
11.99% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 25 lakh
Interest Rate Range
24% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 2.4 lakh
Interest Rate Range
10.50% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 30 lakh
Interest Rate Range
9.55% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 20 lakh
Interest Rate Range
9.95% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 5 lakh
Interest Rate Range
10.75% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 40 lakh
Interest Rate Range
13.99% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 15 lakh
Interest Rate Range
9.20% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
As per applicant's profile
Interest Rate Range
10.30% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 15 lakh
Interest Rate Range
11% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 15 lakh
Interest Rate Range
1.02% p.m. onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 2 lakh
Interest Rate Range
1.25% p.m. onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 5 lakh
Interest Rate Range
1.33% p.m. onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 5 lakh
Interest Rate Range
Varies based on applicant profile
Loan Amount/Remarks
Loan Rs. 50,000 onwards
Interest Rate Range
14% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 20 lakh
Interest Rate Range
11% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 50 lakh
Interest Rate Range
10.50% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 25 lakh
Interest Rate Range
8.45% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 10 lakh
Interest Rate Range
8.90% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 15 lakh
Interest Rate Range
10.75% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Up to 40 lakh
Interest Rate Range
10.1% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
9.50% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
10.25% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
11.30% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
18% onwards
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
30% for 30 days
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
1% - 1.5% p.m.
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
15% - 32% p.a.
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
Based on lender's terms
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
0.1% - 0.7% per day
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
1% per day
Loan Amount/Remarks
Interest Rate Range
Up to 3% per month
Loan Amount/Remarks

It is critical to remember that the interest rate offered by a bank may vary depending on the loan amount. A bank, for example, may provide a lower interest rate for a smaller loan amount and a higher interest rate for a bigger loan amount. This is because the bank's risk is higher with larger loan amounts, thus, they charge a higher interest rate to reduce this risk.

What is the lowest interest rate available on personal loans?

One of the lowest personal loans provided currently is by Canara bank under the Vidhya Turant Loan Scheme. The loan rate is 0.066%. But the scheme is only available to students. Bank of Maharashtra’s 8.9% is the lowest in the general category.

What is the average interest rate on personal loans?

The current average loan rate is 11%, according to current statistics. This rate is determined using the range of interest rates provided by various banks and lenders. The bulk of financial institutions provides personal loans with interest rates ranging from 10% to 25%. This range meets the demands of a wide variety of borrowers while maintaining a healthy mix of affordability and profitability. These rates are subject to fluctuate depending on a variety of criteria, including credit score, income, loan amount, and lender restrictions. Overall, the average loan rate of 11% is a reasonable starting point for borrowers to evaluate rates provided by different lenders and make an informed selection.

Can I get an interest rate lower than what is advertised by the lender?

Yes. A reduced personal loan interest rate can be negotiated with your bank, but it is not guaranteed. The success of your negotiation will be determined by a number of criteria, including your credit score, income, payment history, and current market conditions. A decent credit score, a steady income, and a solid payment history can all help you negotiate a reduced interest rate with your bank. Before speaking with your bank, it may be beneficial to research and compare interest rates from different lenders in order to bargain from a position of strength. It's also a good idea to know how much you can afford in terms of monthly payments and the overall cost of the loan.

How To Compare Personal Loan Interest Rates?

It is critical to evaluate interest rates from several banks and lenders. The information provided above can be used to compare rates; however, it is crucial to remember that these rates might alter dynamically and vary amongst institutions. It is a good idea to conduct extensive research and call the bank directly to learn about the most recent interest rate they are giving. By doing your research and comparing interest rates, you can make an informed decision and potentially save a large amount on interest payments.

How to Get the Lowest Interest Rate on a Personal Loan?

A few actions must be taken in order to obtain the lowest feasible personal loan interest rate. Firstly. it is critical to talk and negotiate with the bank. Banks may be ready to give reduced interest rates to customers who have an excellent track record or who have maintained a favourable connection with them. Second, picking a bank with whom you have a past relationship may provide you an edge in obtaining a lower interest rate. As a means of keeping you as a customer, the bank may be ready to offer you cheaper interest rates.

Furthermore, having a strong credit score is an important component in obtaining a reduced personal loan interest rate. A strong credit score shows the bank that you are financially responsible and are less likely to default on the loan. Finally, having all of the necessary documentation available and in order may make the process go more smoothly and fast, which can result in a reduced interest rate because the bank can swiftly analyse your eligibility.

Factors that Affect Personal Loan Interest Rates

A personal loan's interest rate is impacted by a variety of factors, including your monthly wage, repayment discipline, relationship with the lender, credit score, and economic situation. A larger monthly wage often suggests a greater ability to repay and may result in a cheaper interest rate. A bad repayment track record, on the other hand, may compel the lender to demand a higher interest rate. A favourable relationship with the lender, such as existing savings or current account, may assist in negotiating a reduced interest rate. The interest rate on your personal loan is heavily influenced by your credit score, as reported by CIBIL. A better credit score is related to a decreased chance of default and may result in a cheaper interest rate. Inflation, GDP, and market rivalry all have an influence on the interest rate on a personal loan. These aspects must be considered while weighing your loan possibilities.

Credit score impact on interest rate

Your credit score is an indication of your capacity to repay a loan, and it plays a significant role in setting the interest rate on a personal loan. A better credit score indicates that you are viewed as a more responsible borrower and hence a lesser risk by lenders. Your borrowing habits affect your credit score, and any history of late payments might cause a decline in your credit score. As a result, if you have a poor credit score, you may be offered a higher interest rate on your personal loan since the lender perceives you as a larger risk. Maintaining a solid credit score by making timely loan and credit card repayments can boost your chances of receiving a low interest rate on your personal loan.

Can I get a low rate of interest even if my credit score is bad?

Yes.There is a small chance of obtaining a cheaper rate even if your credit score is less than perfect. This is normally achievable if you have a solid connection with the bank or lender, which may be developed over time by being a responsible borrower and keeping a great repayment track record. However, this is an uncommon occurrence, and maintaining a strong credit score remains the surest approach to achieving a reduced interest rate. It's crucial to note that a strong credit score reflects your capacity to repay a loan and is decided by criteria such as your borrowing habits and prior repayments, which can greatly influence your credit score. As a result, maintaining a strong credit score is critical in order to reap the benefits of a reduced interest rate when applying for a personal loan.

How does my income determine my interest rate?

Income is a crucial aspect in determining your capacity to repay a loan. A larger income indicates that you will be able to repay the loan comfortably, making the bank less risky. For example, if two persons apply for a loan, one with an income of Rs. 50,000 and the other with an income of Rs. 20,000, the one with the greater income is likely to be granted a lower interest rate since the bank sees them as less of a danger. The income demonstrates to the bank that you are financially solid and will be able to repay the loan without issue. This has a favourable effect on the interest rate you are offered.

How do my employment history and experience play a role in determining the rate of interest?

Your job history and experience factor into a personal loan's interest rate since they show your financial stability and capacity to repay the loan. A stable job history demonstrates that you have a consistent source of income, which reduces your risk to the lender. However, if you have recently changed jobs or a history of frequent job changes, it may signal that your income is unreliable, which may result in a higher interest rate. Furthermore, your expertise in a certain profession might suggest your earning potential and steadiness, which can influence the interest rate that is granted to you. Lenders ultimately seek characteristics that give them confidence in their capacity to repay the loan, and a consistent career history and experience might be such considerations.

Do banks offer low interest rates on personal loans to government employees?

As part of their employee benefits programme, several banks in India may provide cheaper interest rates on personal loans to government employees. This is because government personnel frequently have a solid and reliable source of income and a high reputation for repaying loans, lowering the bank's risk. The actual interest rate provided, however, may still be determined by a number of other criteria, including the individual's credit score, income, and repayment history. Before applying for a personal loan, it is usually a good idea to examine the interest rates given by several banks and financial organisations.

How does my current debt level determine my interest rate?

Your existing amount of debt has a significant impact on the interest rate on your personal loan. It gives you information about your monthly payments and your capacity to repay the loan. Banks will think you're more likely to miss payments if you have a lot of debt, which might affect your personal loan interest rate. If you have many EMIs to pay, banks may be concerned about your capacity to return the loan on time, resulting in a higher interest rate. As a result, it is critical to control your debt levels in order to obtain the greatest potential interest rate on a personal loan.

If I offer collateral, will it help me get a good interest rate?

Yes. Offering collateral may help you achieve a cheaper interest rate on a personal loan since it decreases the lender's risk. When you provide collateral, such as a car, real estate, or savings account, the lender has the right to confiscate the assets if you default on the loan. This lesser risk may result in a cheaper interest rate than an unsecured personal loan.

However, the choice to offer collateral and the precise interest rate given will be determined by a number of criteria, including your credit score, income, and the amount borrowed. It's usually a good idea to shop around and compare offers from several lenders to obtain the greatest price for your situation.

Can I get a lower interest rate on my personal loan on the basis of my personal relationship with the bank?

Yes. One factor that may contribute to a lower interest rate is your personal relationship with the bank. If you have a salary account with the bank, have a previous good repayment history, or have other established financial relationships with the bank, this may demonstrate your creditworthiness and lead to a more favourable interest rate. However, it's important to note that a good personal relationship with the bank does not guarantee a lower interest rate every time, as there are other factors that lenders may consider when determining interest rates, such as your credit score, income, and the amount you are borrowing.

How Do Interest Rates For Personal Loans Work?

The profit that lenders make from supplying you with a personal loan is represented by interest rates. The interest rate is generally represented as a percentage and is determined by the amount borrowed and the length of the loan. For example, if you obtain a personal loan of INR 1 lakh with a 12% interest rate for one year, you will pay an additional INR 12,000 in interest. Before making a decision, it's critical to understand how the interest rate works and compare the interest rates given by different lenders.

Tips to Avail Personal Loan at Low-Interest Rate

Here are some tips to consider if you want to get a personal loan at a low-interest rate:

Maintain a Good Credit Score
One of the most essential elements determining the interest rate on your loan is your credit score. The higher your credit score, the lesser your interest rate is going to be. So, before asking for a personal loan, be sure you have a decent credit score.

Compare Interest Rates
Before applying for a personal loan, it is important to evaluate the interest rates given by several lenders. This might assist you in locating the lender with the lowest interest rate. You can also use the table given above to compare interest rates.

Provide Evidence of Income
Borrowers with a consistent source of income typically receive cheaper interest rates from lenders. As a result, ensure that you offer documentation of your income, such as pay stubs, bank statements, or income tax returns.

Choose the Right Lender
It is important to select a trustworthy lender with affordable interest rates and a track record of excellent customer service. Before picking which lender to apply to, you can investigate them online and read their evaluations.

Formula to Calculate Personal Loan EMI

The following is the formula for calculating Personal Loan EMI in India:

EMI = [P x R x (1+R)^N]/[(1+R)^N-1]


  1. P stands for principle, or the amount borrowed.
  2. R represents the monthly interest rate (annual interest rate divided by 12)
  3. N is the number of months it takes to repay the debt.

How can I check the total interest payout for my personal loan?

You can use an online personal loan EMI calculator to figure out how much interest you will have to pay in total. Many banks and financial institutions have EMI calculators on their websites or mobile applications that can help you figure out how much interest you'll have to pay on your personal loan.

Things to Consider Before Taking Lowest Interest Rate

While a low-interest rate is a significant consideration when taking out a loan, there are various other factors to consider before making a decision. You should think about the duration of the loan, the processing fees and other charges, prepayment and foreclosure charges, the collateral or security, your credit score, and your history of repayment of loans. By taking these criteria into account, you can make an accurate decision while looking for the lowest interest rate on a loan that suits your needs and is manageable in the long term.

What are some of the other fees and charges levied by lenders?

A lender can collect fees and charges such as processing fees, prepayment fees, late payment charges, foreclosure charges, and check bounce charges.

Which Type of Personal Loan Interest Rate Should You Go for?

When it involves personal loan interest rates, there are two types: fixed and floating. The sort of interest rate you should choose will depend on your financial objectives and current situation. Nonetheless, both forms of interest rates have their pros and cons.

If you choose a fixed interest rate, your interest rate will remain constant during the loan's term. A floating interest rate, on the other hand, fluctuates with market swings and can go up or down during the loan term.

Are personal loan interest rates fixed or floating?

The interest rate on a personal loan can be fixed or floating, depending on the lender and the terms of the loan. As previously stated, a fixed interest rate on a personal loan implies that the interest rate remains constant during the loan term, as does the EMI payment. A variable interest rate on a personal loan, on the other hand, implies that the interest rate can vary throughout the loan term based on market conditions.

It is crucial to note that the sort of interest rate given on a personal loan might have an impact on the total cost of the loan. As a result, before selecting a personal loan, it is critical to analyse the interest rate type as well as other terms and conditions.

Fixed Interest Rates vs Floating Interest Rates – Which is better?

The decision between fixed and fluctuating interest rates is influenced by your financial objectives and circumstances. Fixed interest rates may be better in a situation if you want payment stability and budgeting predictability. Floating interest rates, on the other hand, maybe preferable if you wish to take advantage of future interest rate drops and have repayment flexibility.

What is a reducing Personal Loan Interest Rate?

A reducing interest rate is a sort of interest rate estimate that lenders utilise when providing personal loans. It is also referred to as a "declining balance interest rate" or "diminishing balance interest rate." Interest is computed on the existing loan principal amount for every EMI payment month at a declining interest rate. As you make EMI payments and pay down the loan principal, the interest for the next EMI payment will be based on the amount of the principal that has been repaid.

How do I benefit if the interest is calculated on a daily/monthly reducing balance?

If the interest on your loan is estimated on a daily or monthly reducing balance, you will have to pay lower interest payments, and you will be able to make faster repayments because the interest payments are lower, and a greater percentage of your EMI payment goes towards paying back the principal amount.

Aside from that, you will be able to calculate interest more precisely, and you will be able to execute prepayments without incurring a penalty. This can assist you in reducing your due principal amount and, as a result, your interest payments.

Is it best to always choose the lowest interest rate personal loan?

Choosing a personal loan with the lowest interest rate is not always the best decision. While the interest rate is an important consideration, there are several other factors to consider when choosing a personal loan, such as fees and charges, the loan amount and tenure offered to you, your credit score, the lender's reputation, and, finally, are there any collateral requirements for the loan to be sanctioned.

Can banks change the interest rate during the loan tenure?

Banks and other lenders in India can adjust the interest rate on personal loans during the loan term. They must, however, notify the borrower of any changes in interest rates at least 30 days first before the change takes effect. The borrower can then choose whether to continue with the loan or prepay it, based on the impact of the interest rate change on their EMI payments and total loan cost.

Should I take a loan from a loan provider that offers the lowest EMI?

Taking a loan from a lender with the lowest EMI is not always the best option. A low EMI may appear appealing, but it may not be the most cost-effective solution in the long run. Before selecting a loan, evaluate the interest rate, loan length, fees and charges, and reputation of the loan company. By taking into account all of these aspects, you may select a loan provider that provides the most cost-effective loan for your needs.

How is the processing fee calculated?

The lender charges a processing fee to process the loan application. The processing charge varies by lender and might be either a fixed sum or a percentage of the loan amount.

The processing charge is usually determined as a percentage of the loan amount, which can vary from 0.5% to 4%. Some lenders may charge a minimum and maximum processing fee.

It is crucial to remember that the processing fee is a one-time charge that must be paid at the time of loan disbursement. Typically, the processing cost is subtracted from the loan amount, so the borrower receives the loan amount less the processing fee.

What is the stamp duty charge for a Personal Loan?

The government levies stamp duty on a variety of financial transactions, including personal loans. Personal loan stamp duty in India varies by state because each state has its stamp duty regulations and rates.

In India, the stamp duty charge for a personal loan is normally a percentage of the loan amount and is a one-time charge. Depending on the state where the loan is obtained, stamp duty rates can range from 0.1% to 0.2% of the loan amount. Also, bear in mind that the stamp duty charge is frequently included in the processing fee or other loan charges.

What are Amortization Schedule Charges for Personal Loan?

An amortisation schedule is a table that depicts a loan's repayment plan, including the principal and interest components of each payment. A personal loan amortisation schedule will normally include information about the amount borrowed, the interest rate, the loan period, and the payment schedule.

Lenders charge amortisation schedule charges for producing and supplying the amortisation schedule to the borrower. These fees vary based on the lender and the amount of the loan, but they are often minor one-time fees.

In addition to giving a repayment schedule, an amortisation schedule can assist borrowers to comprehend the whole cost of the loan, including interest costs over the loan's life.


It is determined by several factors, including current market conditions, your credit score, and your relationship with the lender. If your credit score has improved and your financial situation has improved when you first took out the loan, your lender may give you a lower interest rate to keep your business. If your credit score has deteriorated or your financial condition has worsened, you may be offered a higher interest rate.

It's always a good idea to browse around and compare offers from several lenders to ensure you're getting the best interest rate available for your situation. You might be able to work out a better bargain with your present lender or discover a better one elsewhere.

Prepayment fees are charges imposed by lenders on borrowers who pay off their debts before the agreed-upon repayment plan. Prepayment fees are intended to compensate the lender for the interest income that would have been collected if the loan had been repaid according to the original schedule.

The conditions of your loan agreement will determine whether or not you can avoid prepayment costs. Some loan arrangements allow borrowers to pay off their debts early without penalty, while others charge a prepayment fee.

Before signing your loan agreement, read and understand the conditions to see if prepayment fees are relevant and what the terms are. Whenever you have any questions or concerns, you should always consult with your lender or a financial expert.

Prepayment fees are costs imposed by lenders on borrowers who pay their debts before the agreed-upon repayment plan. Prepayment fees are intended to compensate the lender for the interest income that would have been collected if the debt had been paid according to the original schedule.

The conditions of your loan agreement will determine whether or not you can avoid prepayment costs. Some loan arrangements allow borrowers to pay off their debts early without penalty, while others charge a prepayment fee.

Before signing your loan agreement, read and understand the conditions to see if prepayment costs are relevant and what the terms are. Whenever you have any questions or concerns, you should always consult with your lender or a financial expert.

If you fail to make an EMI payment on time, you may be charged a late payment fee, which is a penalty cost levied by the lender. The actual amount of the late payment fee will depend on the conditions of your loan arrangement as well as the sum of the missed payment. Late payment penalties might range from a flat fee to a percentage of the amount owed. To determine the precise amount of the late payment fee, consult your loan agreement or contact your lender. Missing an EMI payment might have a negative influence on your credit score in addition to the late payment fee. Your credit score is a reflection of your creditworthiness and financial management skills.

A balance transfer is the transfer of an outstanding balance from one credit card or loan to another at a reduced interest rate. You can save money on interest costs and potentially pay off your debt faster if you transfer a balance to a credit card or loan with such a lower interest rate.

A secured personal loan, or one that needs collateral, often has lower interest rates than an unsecured personal loan. This is because lenders consider secured loans to be less risky. After all, they contain collateral that may be utilised to recoup funds if the borrower fails to repay the loan.

So yes, providing collateral can assist you in obtaining the lowest personal loan interest rates. When you provide collateral, such as a home, car, or another significant item, you lessen the lender's risk, and as a result, they may offer you a reduced interest rate.

The interest rate on a 1 lakh loan might vary depending on a variety of criteria, including loan type, lender, credit score, and loan repayment length.

For example, if you take out a home loan, the interest rate may be lower because home loans are secured loans, with the property serving as security. The interest rate on a home loan might range from 8.15% to 11.80%, depending on the lender and the loan term.

It's critical to shop around and evaluate loan offers from many lenders to discover the best interest rate and terms for your demands and financial circumstances.

The EMI for a 20 lakh personal loan is determined by the loan tenure and interest rate, which vary by bank and lender. Assuming a 12% annual interest rate:

  • The EMI for a 3-year loan will be roughly Rs. 66,528.
  • The EMI for a 5-year loan would be roughly Rs. 44,945.
  • The EMI for a 7-year loan would be roughly Rs. 35,546.
  • The EMI for a 10-year loan would be roughly Rs. 29,856.

The best personal loan interest rate for a balance transfer will be determined by several criteria, including your credit score, the amount of debt you wish to transfer, and the loan's terms and conditions.

In general, a suitable balance transfer personal loan interest rate is lower than the rate of interest on the credit card or other debt that you wish to transfer. HDFC Bank offers 10.50% on balance transfers while ICICI Bank offers 10.75%. So the interest rate differs from bank to bank.

So, before you formally apply for a loan, check for lenders who offer pre-approval or pre-qualification, which can provide you with an estimate of the interest rate you may be eligible for.

Prepaying a personal loan can be an effective approach to lower the ultimate cost of the loan and mitigate the impact of a high-interest rate. You should review your loan agreement to discover how much you must repay. You can also call your lender to explore your prepayment choices, and finally, maintain track of your monthly balance to check that the prepayment was applied correctly.

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